Congratulations Dawn and Sir Buff! This team continues to impress! 9 out of 10 qualifying runs, 2nd place in Advanced Buried, 3rd place in Novice Containers and drum roll....They earned their Novice ELITE title In Interiors!
Dawn and Sir Buff continue to knock it out of the park. On Saturday, they earned 2 Qs and took 3rd place in Novice Interiors and 3rd place in Advanced Interiors. On Sunday, they earned 3 Qs and another 3rd place in Advanced Interiors.
Dawn and Buffington's final tally for the weekend of May 5th. They rocked it! Earning 3 new titles: 1) Scent Work Exterior Novice (SEN) 2) Scent Work Novice (SWN) and 3) Scent Work Interior Advanced (SIA). In addition they took 1st place in advanced Interiors Trial 1, 4th place in advanced Interiors Trial 2 , 3rd in Novice Interiors and got Eleven qualifying runs! Holy Cow!!! Great job!!
Dawn and Sir Buffington earned their Birch ORT March 10, 2018. Congratulations!